Tuesday, 6 November 2012


assalamualaikummm..hehehe..da lme x updte story ni..skrng da bley sllu updte story..u know what??i'm free now..PMR da abis..mga2 dpt rsult yg cmrlng..tlng la doa2 kan k..and one thing..6 novmber is my belated day..smalm la kan my birthday and i'm 15 years old now..blom tua lag k..bru 15 bkn nye 51..happy kot..sape x happy kan smbut birthday..dpat hdiah..hehe..wlaupon dye x wish..trkilan skit la..tap yg pntng my awesome fren and my family wish...thats important..ari jmaat last skolh so kte kne tntut present kat dyeowng hehe..kjam sngt smpi nk tuntut..ape la husna ni kan..doa dan skongan pon da mnckupi..ha!!!i da apply theme bru tau kat blog..ye la smpena birthday ni..sje la nk tkr..asyk gne theme yg sme je kan..msti boring..tol x??k la bye2-urgent-heheh